Spring !

Spring !

Spring !

For a little spring !

And for a great spring !

We have been liberated !


Now, the sun of this heavenly woods is right above on this heavens now
Although it leans west very slowly, it has almost stopped
And its brightness seems to increase much more
In this heavenly woods, constantly, sitting around the big table, conversations are had lively
And a spirit of this woods acts as the partner of these conversations and
He (or she) works briskly and efficiently as a gatekeeper and at the work on management of woods.
His (or Her) gatekeeper's work was settled for the time being and he (or she) joins these conversations instantly again.

"It is so often that I have to do works that are set to this time as a keeper in this woods. First, I have to run about for the persuasion to people who are loitering at the entrance in this woods and for the wish of mental and of economical support to this woods. These persuasion and support are done to people who are out of the gate in this heavenly woods, and these works are hard very much and I cannot obtained their understanding easily to the persuasion and to the support. Even if I persuade that it cannot enter always this woods however you may accumulate your treasures, I cannot obtained their understanding to it easily, on one hand, even if I explain that, in order to maintain of this woods, economical support with mental support are needed by all means, I cannot obtained their understanding to it easily. I came here to talk these details on this table, but, above my idle complaint, that Mr. Ibn Sina (Avicenna 980-1037) raises his hand for his talk, let's listen to his talk."
"Thank you very much. I intended to talk after Ms. spirit's, but, as it is too important, I will have a little talk at her kind word. Talk of Miss. Helen a little while ago moved me profoundly, and I have a similar disease to masters who spoke the Miss. Helen before. It is that, if we (Islam) don't remonstrate with our (Islam) prodigal sons of lawless fellows, it will be what drags an Absolute God Allah's name through the mud and our (Islam) culture that we are self-conceited that it has contributed the world will be destroyed, therefore I dare talk. You know, Absolute God Allah dislikes idols, because Absolute God Allah is one and only Absolute Law (existence of one and only which has the cause of self existence in the inside of self). But, in order to relieve all people (life) all over, we have to show some forms as ""-hou ben-(expedient). Therefore we have show the workings of Absolute God Allah with lettering, with coloring, with forms, and with sounds, and because one and only Absolute God Allah is one and only Absolute law and dislikes idols essentially, we have not shown idols as much as possible in our culture. But, in this world, it never exist what is not creatures by one and only Absolute God Allah, consequently, as all people (life) are objects of relief by one and only Absolute God Allah, we have show many idols to other culture as ""-hou ben-(expedient). That is, all idols (lettering, music, fine arts, other created things) also must be creatures by one and only Absolute God Allah. I also have seen from -hon mon-(true gate) in the -hokekyo- (this is also one of creatures by one and only Absolute God Allah) at "now and here" in this woods, therefore I can escape from the view of narrow-minded things. I have to apologize to the world for our (Islam) prodigal sons's fault and, as a compensation for it, I have to show the justice (the interpretation of the best good) of Islam like this. Since one and only Absolute God Allah is one and only Absolute Law, we cannot see it as a figure and the lettering, coloring, forms, and sounds showing as the will are existences as ""-hou ben-(expedient) of "I" of relative spirit and this "I" of relative spirit is a spirit of life which acts(does motion) on one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law), therefore the influence of cause and effect of the moment action of "I" of relative spirit to do will, obeying the one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law), like a circle in the water, that is, like a domino effect, overspreads widely in the body (world) (outside world too and inside world too, physical world too and spiritual world too) and goes all around with respective degree to all others having relations from what is close by to what is faraway existing that body (world) and rebounds becoming -en-(second cause)(influence) of that all others and still more becoming new circles and piling up these many circles, then, before long, it will return to "I" having acted becoming complicated circles with some fixed interference. In the material world where the will is hiding, that interference appears becoming the regular repetition, for example, the earth goes around the sun taking about 365 days, and electrons, in partitions of each interference, move the surroundings of a nucleus and, by each interference of mutual atoms, make new matter severally and assemble this world. When, in that physical world of only matter, the act (creation of the Creator, destruction of the Destroyer, and prayer is also an action) of "I" to do will join, the interference becomes complicated, however, since "I" to do will has used the repetition physical interference as ""-hou ben-(expedient) essentially (for example, vibrations (repetition) of electromagnetic wave as colors, air vibrations (repetition) as sounds, the heart exists repeating some fixed pulsation), the interference of the ripple coming back on "I" being a doer also has some fixed periodicity. As one stream in them, that is, as the stream of time, at the moment that the act is made, one hundred days after it, one year after it, three years after it, seven years after it,,,at these turning points, as if waves may wash the shore, the interference of ripples appears and washes the doer. Although the cause and effect according to the act of "I" to do will are not a simple interference like that the earth returns back for one year going around the sun (it does not return to the original position correctly), certainly, the reward of the cause and effect according to the act reaches that doer like the interference of ripple and that doer oneself receives the influence according to one's act. This is absolute because it is the decision based on Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law). Then, whether the action destroying creatures created by one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law), moreover, created things of the precious cultural heritage that keep on existing for long time over 1500 years is right or not, it should been said "Not" in the light of one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law), but, over my opinion, what is given top priority is that the judgment of one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law) (it is decided whether it is right or not) follows. So is just a justice of the Islam in interpretations of the best good. Although various sects by various interpretations exist in the world of our Islam as well as other religion, "I" who is a will to create and who is created by one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law) distinguishes and understands one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law) and "I" of relative spirit. So is the interpretation in the best good to be able to suit the justice (the interpretations of the best good) of the Islam. Furthermore, in the one and only Absolute God Allah (Absolute Law), there are not only the cause which bears all creatures but also the cause of destruction, but, since, in it, there is also the cause which bears "I" of relative spirit who is a will to create above all, just Islamic culture must be creative culture, I pray sincerely that the world has the proper understanding to this justice (the interpretations of the best good) of the Islam and, from now on also, as my will, I will atone for pain of my destruction with great joy of my creation."


Come, let's all go that hill !

Come, let's all go that hill !

Come, let's all go that freedom hill !


tan - tat - tan.
rat - tat - tat.

tan - tat - tan.
rat - tat - tat.

tan - tat - tan.
rat - tat - tat.

tan - tat - tan.
rat - tat - tat.

tan - tat - tan.
rat - tat - tat.


tan - tat - tan.
rat - tat - tat.



Beatrice ! Where in the world is here !

Why am I, here !

Surely, I atoned for my seven crimes and was led with a prayer of Vergilius for the repose of my soul,
about the time the sun is higher, I must have come along that place.

Beatrice ! Please tell me !

Where is "here",
"Now", what will be done to us !


At length, you woke up.

You had slept fairly for a long time,
and you were having a nightmare so much, but ...

"Here", for you at "now", is still in woods on earth (Purgatory).
You had collapsed dead in front of the gate in this woods.

That Mr. Helen of Matelda found you,
and carried you in to the depths in this woods.


I had collapsed dead, ...!
and "here" is still in woods on earth (Purgatory), ...?

I am, no doubt ! Beatrice ! By your guidance, I must have gone that place and must have been honored in the grace of God.

Please tell me ! Beatrice !
What on earth happened to me !

